Social networks are now a substantial part of everyday life, and crucial to any marketing strategy. According to, 84% (57.6 million) of the UK population was active on social media in February 2022. The benefits of using social media to market your business are huge and you are missing out on a great marketing opportunity if you are not using any social platforms.

Using social media to market your business is a cost-effective way to increase inbound traffic to your website and to increase brand awareness. It is called ‘social’ media for a reason, so let us help you improve relations with customers by interacting with them more effectively online. It can also be used as an analytic tool, helping you to gain marketplace insights about your business such as demographics and customer interests.

What we do…


By having a social media strategy in place, your posts and interactions will be much more productive and will help to support your business goals. Social media can be used to create posts that reinforce your business goals. We will work closely with you to create a strategy that will be easy to follow and implement in order to save time and become more successful on each platform.


This is the ‘social’ part of social media. Interacting with your customers can enhance your relationship with them. Messenger tools that most social media platforms have are also a very useful tool for interacting with your customers. We can help by managing your accounts and interacting for or alongside you.

Branded content and scheduling

The ‘media’ side of social media allows us to post content that customers can relate to and interact with. This is where social media can be used effectively to market your business or to advertise aspects of your business. We can set up templates for you to use or manage your content for you, meeting monthly to discuss content streams for the following month, using scheduling tools to save time.

paid advertising

Social media advertising is a type of digital marketing that uses social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to deliver paid adverts to your target audience. Social media ‘ads’ are a quick and effective way to connect with your consumers and boost your marketing campaigns. We can help to manage adverts for you.

consistency across platforms

Each social media platform has its different uses in terms of marketing your business. We are experienced in using Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to effectively market businesses or campaigns. Creating consistency across each platform can create a more reliable feeling towards your business, creating larger followings in the meantime. We can also help set up and manage Linked In and TikTok accounts.

PRICES from £27.25 a week/£119 per month


Our Total Social Media Marketing Package covers all of the above, so you can focus your vital time elsewhere. As mentioned above, we will meet monthly with you to discuss content and agree a schedule for the following month.

Book a free consultation to get a quote today!